38 year old champion Jason Kidd:

Dallas (and former Detroit Pistons) coach--Rick Carlisle. Congratulations man!!!

The great Kanye West:

w/ Ms. Lulu (left):

So now I’m unemployed. No work, no obligations, no structure. So why bother with the formalities of paragraphs or punctuation? Or narrative continuity. Who cares? Start at the end. Tell (2) stories at once. Or more. A whole medley of stories in one post, strung-out erratically like a James Brown concert. Can’t find the bridge? I’d help you but I’m on intermission. Intermission from what I’m not exactly sure; but what can you be sure of in a world where the Dallas Mavericks can sweep Kobe Bryant plus spank Dwyane Wade and Lebron James on their home court? Great stuff. Course my unemployed ass could have used a game 7. I’ve got plenty of time for overtime.
"You’re telling me you wont accept that check Lodo?"
"That’s exactly what I’m telling you."
"Boy you’re full of yourself aren’t ya?"
"I didn’t like the way you tried to shake my confidence. And to criticize my reports was stupid. You should have chosen something else."
"...Well, I can’t keep you on salary; but you can work per diem if you want. I’ll pay you $25.00/hour.”
“I told you Barry, I don’t trust you. Not your judgement and not your character. I thought the quality of my stuff was no good--remember? But suddenly its improved enough for me to do hourly work?”
“Well, I ...”
“And when would I get paid? You can’t pay me on time now; but you’re gonna pay me when I’m an independent? Please. Today’s June 10th and I still haven’t got paid for May.”
“Come on man. Give it a rest. And send me those COBRA forms. I don’t wanna get dropped--again!”
June 10th. Christ, that was already awhile ago. 38 year old Jason Kidd my not have even won his 1st ring yet. Kept his eye on the prize Lodo, like you have to do. But you have to feel like you deserve it. Believe it--that’s key. Like Kanye said, "In two years Dwayne Wade became Dwyane Wade." Doesn't always take long. Stay committed. Work hard. Capitalize on your talents. Success can happen seemingly overnight. Write your book. Commit yourself to it, like Ms. Lulu said:
"Forget the blog Lodo--its served its purpose. You’ve got your style down now. You’ve always believed in yourself, but you should commit to yourself more. There's a difference."
"Forget the blog?"
"Yeah Lodo, it detracts from your book. That's what you should be working on. Maybe now's the time. What d’ya think?"
"I don’t think people read books. Besides, my days of being ambitious are over. I’m on intermission now and the world likes me better this way."
"Course it does Lodo, ‘cause you’re out of their way. But are you on intermission from the world or yourself?"
"I don't know. When I do I'll write my book."

Dwyane Wade gets as high as he needs to go:
Super-legend James Brown:
* NOTE: Pic numbers 2, 3, 4, and 5 (from the top) were stolen off Google and are probably subject to copyright.
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