"You mind if I tell you something?" she asked.

"Never get off the boat. Never get off the boat."

So I’d written something 'bout my birthday last weekend, but I’ve held off on posting in hopes that my friend Ata would have sent me some pics by now. I think my posts lack a certain impact without pictures, but fact is we weren’t allowed to use cameras anyway since (as Ata put it), “it was a total underground sex-drug party.”
‘Course I love an underground sex-drug party; except that last Saturday New York experienced some freaky global-warming snowfall that left me inclined to just stay home despite it being both Halloween and my birthday. I need a large crowd and snow like a hole in the head; but Ata was having none of that.
“Lodo, are you crazy? Its your birthday! And its underground party. Sex-drug-costume party. You must go with me. You need to be more outgoing if things are going to happen.”
So I took the train up to Williamsburg feeling rather moronic in costume at 45 years of age. Adding to my self-consciousness was the fact I’d eaten a bunch of mushrooms before I left the house that had kicked-in faster than expected. So my train ride was filled with morphing goblins, giggling college-age bunnies, and prismatic light trails that left me a little unstable ‘til I got out to the crisp air of the street. There I found Ata waiting for me in her sexy Avatar costume with a bit of excited news of her own.
“Guess what I did before I came here?” she asked as I stole a kiss and a quick squeeze of her silky niceness.
“That drug you like to dance to,” I responded, “the molly’.”
“No!,” she answered mischievously, “I took your drug--acid!”
“Acid?!--Holy shit! Where’d you find that? I can never find that out here.”
“I found it,” she said with a laugh as we began to walk to the party, “I have a connection. He’s gonna be here tonight with a bunch of my friends. You’ll like them.”
Wow reader, acid. You just cannot find that here in New York. Here its all coke and booze. Asshole Wall Street drugs or real hardcore smack. But acid, man I wanted to score some of that!
Only you’ve gotta be careful with that stuff. Until the government creates some standards (which I’m sure is at the top of Obama’s priorities at the moment) you’re at the mercy of the guy who’s made it. There’s good acid, but there’s also speedy acid and sometimes there’s just bad acid; so when we got to the party and Ata began to look a little spooked and unsure, I steered her into a dark booth toward the back.
“How you feeling?” I asked her.
“I can’t feel my teeth or my mouth. They’re numb. Is that supposed to happen?”
“Not really,” I answered somewhat disappointed--not just because my empathy for her was heightened due to my own altered state; but because I really wanted that acid to be good so I could score.
“Listen, you stay here. I’m gonna dance for a little bit ‘cause my booms are kicking in, but I’ll just be over there,” I told her as I pointed to the dance-floor. “Any problem just come get me.”
I left Ata in the booth and proceeded out to the dance floor where I danced and danced and danced by myself as waves of mushroom-induced energy pitched and rose inside me in conjunction with the moronic donkey-beat of the famous New York dee jay.
Periodically I checked on Ata who seemed committed to the safety of her booth. Never get out of the boat. Never get out of the boat seemed to be her mantra, though I must say she was calm and consistently looked at me with a wide-eyed wonderment that; if nothing else, wasn’t terror. I tried to chat her up a bit. Keep her connected, but I myself was peaking hard and after several minutes of what I thought was charming banter Ata began to literally cry tears as she put her hand to my mouth,
“Lodo you have to shut up now--you just keep talking and talking and talking!”
Okay reader, I know when I’m not wanted. I returned to the dance floor and went back at it again for who knows how long when I suddenly felt a tap at the small of my back. I turned ‘round to see a cute brunette gal dressed as a fluorescent butterfly, with lights that glowed green and real wings affixed to her back. She handed me a joint, which apparently belonged to a circle of people behind her.
“You mind if I tell you something? she asked with a little pixie smile.
“Sure,” I said as I took a big drag of the joint and handed it back.
“You’re rocking that hat,” she said as she pointed to my fedora.
“Oh thanks. I’ve had some good times in this thing.”
“I bet,” she said again, “you look gooood.”
“Thanks,” I told her as I tried to encourage her to dance with me.
“You mind if I try that on?” she asked.
Fact was I did sort of mind. Like I’d told her, I had some great times in that hat. It’s expensive and molded perfectly to my head. And if you’re not careful with it you can damage the fabric and the perfect crease in the top. So I was hesitant.
“Come on,” she said, “I’ll be careful with it.”
But still I was hesitant, much to my own surprise. My instincts told me to hold out.
“...What if we went in there?” she asked as she pointed to the bathroom. “Could I try it on in there?”
“In there?...” I answered as I looked toward the open door to the bathroom.
“Umm hmm,” she said as she moved her body from side to side like a bug on a flower.
“...Yeah, okay. In there.”
So she took my hand, led me into the small bathroom, where I closed the door behind us. There was just a single toilet with a mirror and sink affixed on the opposite wall. She dramatically removed my hat, placed it on her head and inspected herself. Once satisfied, she turned back around.
“Now that it’s on my head I’m gonna give you head,” she laughed as she made a bee-line for my pants and proceed to give me a blowjob.
I was really tripping by this time so it took a few moments for me to get my junk up properly, but once I got going I was all-in and my gal was really invested. Shortly before I popped she handed back my hat,
“Here, I want you to wear this while I finish," she said. "You should always wear that.”
As instructed I put the hat back on and allowed her to finish me off. To my surprise it didn’t take long, and when we were done--or I was done, I prepared to leave. But she wasn't ready.
“Wait!” she said as he slammed the door closed with a kick of her foot and proceeded to hop on to the ceramic sink. Then she put a hand up the bottom of her skirt, and began to frig herself really aggressively ‘til her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body began to spasm.
“Oh man!” she said when she’d had her fill. “Doing that makes me so crazy!”
Both of us done, we left the bathroom. The gal returned to her friends and I went to check on Ata who was still where I’d left her. I thought she was alone, but when I got to the booth I discovered a cute, pig-tailed Asian girl dressed like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. She slouched on one side of the horseshoe shaped couch with a blank expression and a drop of spittle on her bottom lip. She appeared ‘bout to collapse face-first on to the nearby table in cartoon fashion.
“You know her?” I asked Ata.
“Yeah, that’s Nikki. You should talk to her, you’ll like her.”
I looked at Nikki’s unfocused, blunted eyes. With each passing moment she pitched more and more forward as she approached an inevitable gravitational tipping point. I placed a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her into the booth’s seatback. She made no response or gesture except to slowly pitch forward again at glacial speed.
“Well, you two can talk in a little bit,” Ata said.

* NOTE: Due to the length of this post, I'm going to split it into another part. Part 2 should be done in a few days (hopefully I'll have some pics!).
** ADDITIONAL NOTE: All women's images contained herein were stolen off Google Images and were used simply to enhance the story. I did not receive oral sex from any of the women you see herein.
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