So Saturday night I caught Chris Potter at The Village Vanguard. It was an odd night in what has been a very odd, stressful month for old Lodo. I've been fighting a double ear infection coupled with a sinus infection. The combination's left me in a bit of a fog, and my forces aren't exactly rallying to the challenge. I've been wobbly on my feet, which, if my quack doctor is to be beleived is due to a mechanism in the ear that helps maintain balance. Guess mine's off-kilter somehow.
At first, I still did things my regular way. Took my Z-Pack and just kept partying and working. But as my symptoms have become more--as opposed to less severe I began to lay-off the weed and the booze a little bit. That has its own ramifications for someone like me who smokes weed everyday, but that's subject matter for a later post.
Anyway, by Saturday night I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out and do something; and since Chris is one of my favorites it was an easy choice. Only problem was I had so much pent-up energy that I kind of binged on the booze and the smoke. Got really fucked-up.
Maybe that's why I look so discombobulated in this photo (below) with the great Eric Harland and why he seems to be keeping his distance. My pants seem to be spun one way like an aging Florida retiree; my top faces the opposite direction; and my jacket collar's folded-in on itself.

In fairness, we'd taken about 6 pics--all of which were out of focus. So by the time we got to this final one I think Eric's good sportsmanship had reached its threshold. For the record, I was absolutely prepared to quit after the 1st pic failed; but the girl taking the photos insisted we continue til we got one right. Thanks anonymous Vanguard patron!!
And big thanks to Eric Harland. One of my favorite drummers of all time, if not my favorite at the moment.
Joe Lovano (center) w/ Us 5 at Village Vanguard. Esperanza Spalding is 2nd from left.

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