Now that I’m not working I have all kinds of free time to contemplate things. As of yet I’ve been unable to distinguish anything productive to contemplate; though the theme of possible employment is consistently heard in the underbrush of my mind.

I love New York, but I'll be able to leave if I have to. My family’s elsewhere and I think I may be starting to drift elsewhere too. In my mind.

I’ve seen all my favorite musicians at least a half-dozen times and stood on subway platforms, drenched in sweat for ten summers now.

I’ve lived in the Green Room for almost the entire 10 years I’ve been in Brooklyn. Written all my posts here. Slept a million hours. Fucked a couple-hundred gals (though I doubt more than 3 or 4 ever spent the night). Its been a hardcore, Spartan existence. And I’ve liked it. At heart, I guess I’m a loner.

In many respects, my work as an investigator has proven to be a good career-match for me and my temperament. There’s a lot of downtime spent outdoors; and a lot of alone time, which are things I need. But its still an imperfect match. So many of my work relationships have ended in sour acrimony that I can’t help but question if I was in the right field. I'm a nicer guy than my reputation, and that shouldn't be. So I don’t know what I’m gonna do now.

It’d seem the life of a writer would be a good match for a blogger like me. I could work alone. As much or as little as I wanted. Be my own boss to an extent. That'd be the allure of it anyway. 'Til I had to go to the doctor without benefits. "Hey Dr. Paul, about my insurance...'"

But Tales From the Green Room is going to be my magnum opus.

"In the green room I have all my photographs hung on the walls. All the places I’ve been and the special people in my life. Its where the exterior world and my internal world connect. I stare at the blown-up images of far-away places and the more I find myself carried away by the image the more I invert inward into my own thoughts and recollections. Its a kind of dual, competing process at work that keeps me in a state of constant nowness."
"When a woman first visits the green room the first thing she usually asks is 'Are you a photographer?' Because of all the pictures. They go from wall to wall and inspect the pictures as I put on the stereo, get them high, and try to coax a laugh. Then we have sex. This is my tried and true formula for peace and happiness. And I live it in a universe of my own creation I call the green room."

* NOTE: All pics taken by Lodo Grdzak except for those in which I appear. All rights reserved.
** ADDITIONAL NOTE: Don't steal my introduction to Tales From the Green Room or I'll shoot your plagiarizing dumb-ass (and I mean that).
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