Take a break. I’m a big fan of that idea. Think of the number of tragic instances and sad endings that would have been avoided if the last line of the story had been...and then I took a break, as opposed to whatever actually took place.
So yeah, last week I took an intermission. Not from work, which I’ve been doing since June; but from writing and the computer, which I haven’t done in a long time. Not only an attempt to liberate my imagination from the worn out muscle memory of past writings, but to prepare my herniated discs and carpal tunnel in my wrists for that moment of inspiration that I hoped would compel me to sit at the computer for an extended session of writing Green Room. I was prepared to wait on that moment, like Wayne--not push for it; so long as I was prepared when it came.
So okay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. This was last week so the Tigers were still in the playoffs and the Hopkins/Dawson fight was that Saturday night. The autumn weather was beautifully cool and I was taking things real easy. In fact, a new...calmness began to take hold of my temperament. I can’t say I was fully aware of it at the time; but now I see it. That was the day of my final post--or what was supposed to be here at this site, which of course is the subject that’s brought us here today.
But as I said, I began to first feel a subconscious transition on Sunday. My final day of intermission. I still didn’t recognize my mind-set or have a label for this change in perspective; but come Monday morning I woke very early--8:00 or so, and walked right to the machine with my coffee. As the computer booted I felt like I’d awoken from a deep dream. Not a dream remembered; but a dream that had cleared-out all the gunked-up shavings and little gear particles that had jammed the transmission of my mind. I jumped right into Green Room: 400, 500, 1500 words. When I read it back, the shit was dead-on tight. Clean. Fluid. Poignant as it oughtta be.
1500 hundred words is a good-sized blog post for me, but that’s why I was excited to keep going. The story was coming to me pure and now I felt like a real writer--not just a blogger. I could feel myself getting past that plateau. Writing at a higher level. With larger, extended ideas. This was what I’d hoped to achieve and now I was doing it. It’s a satisfying feeling and I easily wrote for another hour without distraction before I got up to take piss that stunk of pure caffeine. It was the first time I’d stood up in a couple of hours and as I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror, I told my reflection he was a good writer.
I knew that.
I washed-up a bit, brushed my teeth, then ran back to the computer. I was still eager to write since I’d given myself until March to finish the book. So I got situated in my chair, located my mouse, placed the cursor to the proper side of the screen, took a deep breath, and...
Ring, ring. ...Ring, ring.
...Ring, ring. Ring, ring.
(We have cheap effects here at Long Intermission, but that’s supposed to be my cellphone).
My first inclination was to ignore the call since I was on such a good roll; but I inspected the caller I.D.
Number Not Available.
Hmmm. Had they called ten minutes earlier I probably would have just let it go to voicemail. I like to work hard when I’m motivated, like Ray Charles. But they caught me at a break. And I like a nice lazy break too. So I picked up.
"This is Lodo."
"Yes is this Lodo Grdzak?"
"That’s right, who’s this?”
"Mr. Grdzak my name’s Gregory ______. You answered an ad we posted on Monster. I was just wondering...do you still live at _____ in Brooklyn?"
"Yeah, I’m still there."
"You are? Great. And your resume says you have an independent New York license, is that right?"
“That’s right, I’m licensed to work New York. Why?”
“Well, my partner and I have a case near you that we might like you to handle. ‘Course we’d have to meet you first. Are you available to get together?”
“When, today?”
“Well, preferably today. Today or tomorrow. Its a bit of a rush, but its just a few scene photos and a statement. I’d do it myself if I didn’t have to be out of town tonight. Its right down the street from you. You could meet with us today and take the assignment with you if everything goes well.”
That God-damn Monster ad.
“...Mr. Grdzak, are you there? ...Mr. Grdzak?”
“(heavy sigh)...Sure,” I told him as I put my computer into SLEEP mode, “I can meet after 3:00 if you want.”

* NOTE: Due to the length of this post, I'm going to split it into anther part. Part 3 should be here in a few days.
** ADDITIONAL NOTE: All pics used above (that don't include me) we're stolen off Google Images.
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