In an effort to fuse my investigative and writing backgrounds into something commercially viable, my sister suggested that I drag my unemployed ass to the Occupy Wall Street Protest to dabble in a little journalism. Seemed like an idea.
Course by the time I got to Zuccotti Park there were already a couple hundred reporters and news organizations on hand. As many as the protesters themselves. After 5:00, a lot of union workers showed up and joined in the actual march from City Hall to Wall Street; but before that, it was just a small crowd of hippie protesters.
Much as I tried to take an interest in the protest, I'm just not that political a person. I've got no wife, no kids, no house, no car payment. How emotionally invested can I be in the future? Which isn't to say I don't side with the protesters, 'cause I do. What?--you think I'm siding with the bankers and brokers? Its just...
"Fall mountains, just don't fall on me."
Spoken like a true blogger Jimi.
One thing I learned today was that I was at Zuccotti Park on 9/11. I mean--I always knew where I was that day, I just didn't know it was called Zuccotti Park. Maybe they didn't called it Zuccotti Park back then. Or maybe that was too obscure a piece of New York trivia for a newcomer like me. Regardless, as I sat at the park this afternoon and watched the construction workers erect another story to the Freedom Tower, I couldn't help but recall the whistling of the jet-liner and the explosion that emanated from Tower 1 that morning. By comparison, today's protest just seemed like kid's games and I didn't bother to write a thing.
9/11 has had its bunghole thoroughly pimped and fucked-out by now, so I never post about it anymore; even though I wrote the best thing I've ever read on the subject. I was a real journalist that day--and all week as well.
For last month's 10 year anniversary of the attack, I planned to do a re-write of my article. In fact, I'd planned to post the re-write and the original. Kind of go back to that day with the added perspective of 10 years. Except that this year marked the first time we began to finally see some restraint on the whole business of 9/11 mourning, and I certainly welcomed that. So the time's come and gone and...whatever. Guess I won't be a journalist.
But I am a blogger, which means that all posts here at Long Intermission still come free of charge.

As long as we're on the subject of social justice--wow! If this performance (below) had its audio and vid sync'd properly, it'd probably be the best music clip on You Tube:

* NOTE: All photos taken by Lodo Grdzak with the exception of Aung Sun Suu Kyi, which I stole off Google Images. All rights reserved on my pics.
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